The Truth Board

A Blog by the Editors of
The Truth About the Fact: An International Journal of Literary Nonfiction

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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

The Truth About the Fact: A Journal of Literary Nonfiction is an international journal committed to the idea that excellence in the art of letters can play a vital role in transforming the planet we share.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Death is inevitable. Death is unavoidable. Once people are born into the world, death awaits their departure from life, whether it’s patiently or eagerly, it is out of their control. Death does not discriminate. No matter how one identifies oneself in relation to age, gender, race, ethnicity, or economical class; death will reach that person. The very meaning of the word death is an oxymoron in my eyes. In one way, the event of someone physically leaving our lives is sad and almost unbearable. There’s an ache and pain of missing them that renders the process of mourning. The relatives and friends that are left to move on make the act of death so sad.
            In another aspect, death can simply be seen as a way of life, something that should be celebrated rather than mourned. Since it’s inevitable, celebrating one’s life on earth seems more appropriate. Focusing on the idea that “this person lived” helps take away from the emptiness we feel after losing a friend or family member. Accepting that this person is no longer physically present in our life is the utmost difficult task for humans still alive. However, there are two sides to every coin.
            A few years ago as an incoming freshman student-athlete here at LMU, I remember meeting all my new teammates and looking forward to creating lasting friendships. As a part of this process, I recall getting to know my current friends on the men’s soccer team. Our first ever “hang out” was at a sophomore’s apartment off campus. It was all very strange. Coming from the Midwest the whole living in the marina with a visible view of the ocean was an unfamiliar concept. Walking in, I remember being greeted by David, a sophomore men’s player who lived at the apartment. He looked like a typical California guy with dirty blond hair, green eyes, and a great body. His greatest feature hands down, however, was his beaming smile. He demeanor was friendly and relaxed, which helped in the situation of getting to know everyone on his team.
            As I continued to get to know Dave, his attributes only seemed to get better. He was focused on his academics and was an inspirational teammate, always lending a helping hand. His energy was contagious and noticeable, even after knowing him only a short time. His teammates’ recall his always-positive attitude and ease with the ladies. They laugh recalling the time he asked a hot girl he saw at a gas station for her number; he got it. On the field, one of Dave’s most memorable moments goes back to when he scored the game winning goal against Gonzaga, helping the team win the WCC league title that season. Dave never complained and enjoyed every second of life.
That is most likely why his unexpected death the weekend before his sophomore spring semester began was so shocking. At the time, there were no words that could properly explain why, at the mere age of 20, that Dave didn’t deserve to be alive. He was the epitome of what it means to live. However, this is the wrong way to view his death, let alone any others. I, along with many others, were being selfish because of the pain we felt no longer being able to physically be him.
            Life on earth is meant to teach us lessons. We learn through experience and mistakes how we should live. By looking at death through this perspective, Dave’s passing became a little more explainable. Dave had figured it out. He was happy, respectful, and encouraging; a perfect role model for those around him. He didn’t have any other lessons to learn or issues to figure out. Therefore, there was no need for him to be on earth any longer. Although 20 years seems like such a short time, it was all David needed to understand the meaning of life. He had outlived the life he had and was ready for the after life, whatever it may be.

Megan Gallagher


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