The Truth Board

A Blog by the Editors of
The Truth About the Fact: An International Journal of Literary Nonfiction

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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

The Truth About the Fact: A Journal of Literary Nonfiction is an international journal committed to the idea that excellence in the art of letters can play a vital role in transforming the planet we share.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Big 2-2: Young or Old?

Another year older and another day wiser; who would’ve thought that that skinny, awkward, coke-bottle glasses wearing girl would grow up into the strong, sophisticated young woman I am today. Sometimes I feel as though I’m an old soul in a young body…each year the family asks me the same question starting “so how does it feel to be (insert age here)?” And each year I respond, “No different than last year.”

I continue to climb that biological ladder, but somehow each step up feels the same as the last. Sure, the birthdays have upgraded from face painting and piñatas to clubs and bars, but strangely enough, I don’t feel any different. Like I said, I feel like an old soul is trapped in a young body. I’m way too young to be feeling like I’m “over the hill” already. This morning I looked in the mirror, trying to detect any differences in my face and body; looking to see if there were any indication that I was actually looking older than the day before. While pinching my semi-greasy cheeks, I noticed that youthful look still had a tight grip on me, continuing to latch on, dominating my overall appearance; that same youthfulness that tricks the middle-aged into thinking I’m still in high school when I’m damn near close to getting my Bachelor’s Degree. The mirror revealed that I am still a walking contradiction.

I feel like I’m in a bad rendition of Tuck Everlasting; I have come to believe that I too, have been sipping on some age-defying substance, unbeknownst to me. Now don’t get me wrong, I know it’s not a bad thing at all; for when I’m much older and in my mid-life crisis stage, I’ll be wishing I was young and full of life again. Yes, I’m blessed that I don’t look as though I’ve been beaten up by the Jaws of Life like many females do nowadays, but there’s a difference between a girl and a young woman. I have made that transition to womanhood both mentally, verbally, and emotionally, but I guess the rest wants to straggle behind.

Twenty-two…wow. I laugh to myself because I used to look at my older cousins and think that being in your twenties was such a big age; little me in my teenage years wondering what it felt like to be “that old.” And here I am…”that old,” looking in the mirror and still feeling like nothing has changed. Who knows, maybe it really is a good thing...I'll embrace it for one more year.

Jennifer Vassel


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